次へ: Activity at Dubna
上へ: Scope and Cost Estimate
戻る: Scope and Cost Estimate
Our timetable/milestones are listed below;
- Completion of simulation study, Oct., 2002.
- Prototype production for KEK test and RUN3, Nov., 2002.
- Beam test of final prototype, Dec., 2002.
- Installation of a few cells to the West Arm, Jan.-Feb., 2003.
- Partial purchase of PMT's and aerogel, Mar., 2003.
- Mechanical design of main frame on the carrier, summer 2003.
- Final decision on the design, Jul., 2003.
- Start of mass production of cells, Aug., 2003.
- Start of partial installtion, fall-winter, 2003.
- All system ready by mid-2004.
Electronics(PMT bleeder, preamp & calibration system);
- Prototype design of bleeder & preamp, Nov., 2002.
- Evaluation of bleeder & preamp prototype, Dec., 2002.
- Production of final bleeder & preamp, Feb., 2003.
- Start mass production of bleeder & preamp, Mar., 2003.
- Setup testbench for PMT, bleeder & preamp tests, Mar., 2003.
- Decision on calibration system (LED), Mar., 2003.
- Complete
of bleeder/preamp/LED production, summer, 2003.
- All system ready by mid-2004.
Front-End and trigger Electronics;
- Design the FEE (minor modification to RICH FEE), Feb., 2003.
- FEE Prototype production, Apr., 2003.
- FEE production, fall, 2003.
- Trigger circuit design, Jun., 2003.
- All system ready by mid-2004.
次へ: Activity at Dubna
上へ: Scope and Cost Estimate
戻る: Scope and Cost Estimate
Yasuo Miake