2.Finding out the most probable (T, mB)
The work of P. BraunMunzinger et al. uses the Chi2/DOF as the measure to find the best choice for (T, mB ).
find the most probable (T, mB) for the given set of input data. Also the histograms hChi2_ndf0, hChi2_ndf1,and hChi2_ndf2 shows Chi2/DOF in three different scale.
As the experimental input, we used the data of ( Phys. Lett. B465, 15-20, 1999 ). But this procedure can be easily modified to any set of measurements.
For this case, we find T = 157 (MeV) and mB = 245 (MeV) as the most probable ( though Chi2/DOF is not close to 1 ).
Experimental reconstruction efficiency as discussed can play a role. (hyperon,decay reconstruction factor, weak decaying neutral meson)