PPT Slide
Weak-decay feed-down and its reconstruction efficiency
We also show the resulting systematics.
Particle list reports c tau values for the following particles.
To estimate the potential systematics due to these feed-down, we can vary the reconstruction efficiencies of the daughter particles ( say 0% : SetWeakDecayFeedDownEfficiency0.C,
For (T,mu) = (0.17,0.01), we can look at these systematics from the example.
One of the good candidate for the effect on N- is Kshort. p,pbar is affected from the feed-down of the hyperons.
The effect is less drastic than the lower energies at CERN and AGS. At AGS and CERN, mu_B is relatively big and the consequential mu_S is also relatively big. In the scheme of hadron thermal model, the abundance of the multi-strange antibaryon is explained by this big mu_S.