T0 and NTC cabling  Nov , 1 , 2001    By Susumu Sato

Dear John,

Thank you very much for guiding us.
The following is number of cables for
T0, PCR, and NTC including spares.

(I) For HV,
(1) (SHV-RG59-SHV) 900 cm: 40 cables.
    [labeled as "HV-01"to "HV-40".]   

(II)For Signal,
(2) (BNC-RG8-BNC) 581cm: 40 cables.
     [labeled as "SIG-001"to "SIG-040".]
(3) (BNC-RG58-BNC) 8.0ns: 80 cables.
     [labeled as "SIG-041"to "SIG-120".]
(4) (BNC-RG58-BNC) 4.0ns: 40 cables.
     [labeled as "SIG-121"to "SIG-160".]
(5) (BNC-RG58-lemo)11.0ns: 40 cables.
     [labeled as "SIG-161"to "SIG-200".]

(III)For Signal connection,
(6) "I-barrel" connector (BNC-BNC):
    120 connectors.
(7)  Patch panel:
    40 BNC-BNC connectors on it.
    [The 40 are labeled as
     (for 16) from "NTC-1"to "NTC-16", 
     (for 16) from "T0-1" to"T0-16",
     (for 2) from "PCR-1"to"PCR-2", 
     (for 6) from "Spare-1"to"Spare-6".]

   Note for the 16 in NTC: NTC has only
8 PMTs, but NTC people like to have
8 more for what they call plan-B.

(IV)For holes at the top of BBC-FEM
     rack, and the top of BBC-HV rack.
(8) Holes for 40 RG58 signal cables at
    the back side of top of BBC-FEM rack.
(9*) Holes for 4 Nevis-made lemo clock cables
     at the front side of top of BBC-FEM rack.
(10*) Holes for 4 Nevis-made lemo clock cables
     at the front side of top of BBC-HV rack.
   Note for (9*) and (10*), this needs more
time to discuss. NTC might use these holes
for blue logic trigger.

Thank you in advance,
Sincerely, Susumu and Brendan.

Susumu SATO.  
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Fellowship for Research Abroad.
Email: ssato@bnl.gov , Mail:BNL 510c,Upton,NY11973.
Tel: 1-631-344-2679 , Pager: x-5614.

>Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 22:08:44 -0400
>From: "John S. Haggerty" <haggerty@bnl.gov>
>Subject: TO (and NTC) cabling
>To: Susumo Sato <ssato@tac.tsukuba.ac.jp>,
>        "Chi, Cheng-Yi" <chi@nevis1.nevis.columbia.edu>
>I'd like to get the story straight about NTC and T0 cables.  I'd like to
>make sure I have this work straight in my head, so I need to know, for
>the T0 (and NTC, if possible, since Brendan always refers me to you):
>how many signal (RG8 BNC-BNC)/HV (RG59 SHV-SHV)
>how long signal/HV
>how labeled signal/HV
>For the patch panel on the top of the BB rack, how many connectors, what
>kind on either side?  Do we need a hole in the top of the BB crate in
>addition to a new patch panel?
>I have lots of mail messages from various people about this, but I think
>you're the major customer, so maybe you could collect all this for me in
>one message?  Thanks.
>John Haggerty
>internet: haggerty@bnl.gov
>voice/fax: 631 344 2286/3253