# run the BBC ADC gain calibrations

# 1 delay = 4[clock]*106.5[ns/clock]/256 = 1.6640625[ns]
# 4 and 256 are defined by electronics. it should not be change!!
# Take always care of clock width, if it will be changed, or not

let tpdelay=120    <-- TP_Delay. This Value should be 8 more value than TP_Delay value of TVC= 0 ch
let dac=4095     <--  MAX of Charge

# relevant files:
# 1. the list of tpdelays and prdf files are kept in ~phnxbbc/calib/logs/
# 2. an ascii dump of the output from this run is kept for 30 days in
# ~phnxbbc/calib/logs/rundump

calibfile=~phnxtof/calib/logs/Q_ntc/ntcqscan`date '+@%m-%d-%Y_%H:%M.%S'`.calib

dumpfile=`ls -tr ~phnxtof/calib/logs/rundump/ntcqscan*.dump | head -1`

# loop over the test pulse delays

while [ $dac -ge 0 ]

setbbcTimingDelay.sh $tpdelay

echo "********************************"
echo "* setting dac to $dac"
echo "********************************"

setntcQvalue.sh $dac $dac

# start up run control, take data
rc_calib.sh BB GTM.BB.INITQFA.gtm 20   <--  Time of taking data

#let dac-=128
let dac-=4000    <--  Step of Charge

done > $dumpfile

# parse the text dump to get the tpdelay and prdf file
awk '/^* setting dac to / { printf("%-8d", $NF); } \
/^taskName = tStartPar/ { print $NF; }' $dumpfile > $calibfile