Contents of the book
Contents of the book
- Preface
- 1. What is quark-gluon plasma
- Part I. Basic Concept of Quark-Gluon Plasma
- 2. Introduction to QCD
- 3. Physics of quark-hadron phase transition
- 4. Field theory at finite temperature
- 5. Lattice gauge approach to QCD phase transitions
- 6. Chiral phase transition
- 7. Hadronic states in hot environment
- Part II. QGP in Astrophysics
- 8. QGP in the early universe
- 9. Compact stars
- Part III. QGP in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
- 10. Introduction to relativisitic heavy ion collisions
- 11. Relativistic hydrodynamics for heavy ion collisions
- 12. Transport theory for pre-equilibrium process
- 13. Formation and evolution of QGP
- 14. Fundamentals of QGP diagnostics
- 15. Results from CERN-SPS experiments
- 16. First results from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)
- 17. Detectors in relativistic heavy ion experiments
- Appendices