To see the threshold momenta for the different indices of AEROGEL, the expected number of emitted photon are calculated through empirical equation 1, and plotted in 11.
In the equation, L denotes radiator length, and for aerogel it is assumed to be 12cm, and for RICH (n=1.00041 for ) it is 150 cm. The constant is based on the beam test results at KEK. For the aerogel, thickness dependence is described in the section 7.4.
Especially for the identification of kaon at the high momentum region (from 3.7 to 5.5 GeV/c), the matching is needed between the lowest threshold momentum (5.5 GeV/c) for pion rejection by RICH counter, and the lowest threshold (3.7 GeV/c for the n=1.010 with threshold at 10 % of maximum number of photoelectrons) of light emission in AEROGEL by kaon as well as by pion.