The acceptance of the Aerogel counter is planned to
cover 4m at radial distance of 4m from the beam line in
the central rapidity (west arm). Each counter cell
is about 14x14x10cm
, which makes 13x13 cells in total.
One of the current option (A) for the Aerogel counter is
shown in Fig.15 with Belle type counter.
Single cell of Belle prototype is shown in top-left panel
in the figure. In order to fill up the full area of the
acceptance, there will be 2 layers in radial direction and
it's shifted by a half cell size in every second row in
phi-z plane, as shown in the figure.
There are 2 other options (B) and (C) being under consideration.
The option (B) shown in Fig.16.
Both (B) and (C) option uses the same single cell with
air gap space shown in the figure. It has been found out
with an additional air gap space for the PMT mount, the
position uniformity is much better with this type than the
previous Belle type, although the total number of photo-electron
seen in the single cell is smaller, but it's still close to
20 photo-electrons. The details of those comparison will
be shown in the following chapters. The beauty of the option
(B) is to have all the Aerogel segments at the same plane,
with a possible drawback of every second segments having
the incoming beam back from the air gap space into the
aerogel, where they only sees scattered light, while the
other segments would see some of direct light from the
Aerogel as well. However it was also measured that the
difference between them is still acceptable about 20 loss.
The alternative way of stacking the cell with air gap
space is shown in the figure.17, which is
labeled as option (C), in order to have particles from
the same direction for all the cells.
If we would like to use mirror to
collect direct light from the Aerogel with single PMT per
cell, this would be the option.
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The segmentation was originally derived by comparing the
occupancy measured at the current time of flight counter.
The current time of flight counter located at 5m in radial
distance from the beam line and the single cell size is some
100cm. It sees all the charged particle above 0.18GeV/c
plus backgrounds which includes low energy electrons and
gammas from magnet yoke and EM calorimeter. It has about
occupancy for Au+Au collision. On the other hand,
the aerogel counter is at 4m from the beam line and the
cell size is 230cm
, but detect only pions above 0.75GeV/c.
The estimated occupancy is about 8
for this cell size with
a transverse momentum distribution from RQMD as shown in
Fig.18 together with all the numbers in the
PHENIX GEANT simulation (PISA) is performed with
12x12x12cm Belle prototype in the west arm as seen in
Fig.19. The back ground source points
are seen in Fig.20, where the many HIJING
events are superimposed. The distribution of the
number of fired cell per event is shown in Fig.
21. The estimated occupancy for this
cell size was found to be 5
for central Au+Au collision
with HIJING, which is consistent with the original estimation.
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