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Modifications for the Aerogel Cerenkov counter

The most important change for the electronics between the Aerogel Cerenkov counter and the Ring Image Cerenkov counter is the difference of the characteristics of PMT. Also, the mean photo-electrons per one PMT is changed. Thus, the gain and time constant of pre-amplifier should be changed. The PMT characteristics of each detectors are shown in Table 5.

表 5: The PMT characteristics for each detectors.
  Aerogel RICH
Type Hamamatsu E6316-01 (improved) H71315
The number of channel 600 (300*2) 5120
Gain $ 10^7$ $ 10^7$
Mean p.e per PMT $ \sim 10$ $ \sim 3$
Typical pulse height 70mV $ 20mV$
Rise time 15 ns 2 ns

The possible modifications for the Aerogel Cerenkov counter are follows.

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Yasuo Miake 平成14年10月23日