The most important change for the electronics between
the Aerogel Cerenkov counter and
the Ring Image Cerenkov counter is the difference of the
characteristics of PMT. Also, the mean photo-electrons per
one PMT is changed. Thus, the gain and time constant of
pre-amplifier should be changed. The PMT characteristics of each
detectors are shown in Table 5.
表 5:
The PMT characteristics for each detectors.
Hamamatsu E6316-01 (improved)
The number of channel
600 (300*2)
Mean p.e per PMT
Typical pulse height
Rise time
15 ns
2 ns
The possible
modifications for the Aerogel Cerenkov counter are follows.
Gain of the pre amplifier should be changed to match the dynamic
range of the Int-R chip and the AMU/ADC chip.
Band width of the pre amplifier and the Int-R chip should be
checked. In fact, the rise time of the PMT signal of RICH is smaller
than that of Aerogel. Thus, band width should be enough
for the Aerogel PMT.
The number of channel on one board could be changed. It depends on
the layout of the detector and the trigger scheme.