One of the most exciting discoveries from the first RHIC operations is
the suppression effect of high particles. PHENIX has observed
clear effect not only for charged particles, but also for
identified pions as shown in Fig.3
[PHENIX, PRL 88, 022301(2002)].
This effect has been discussed in terms of
"Jet Quenching Effect", which is considered as an important probe for
early stage of collisions where QGP might exist.
PHENIX results show that there seems to be a difference
between and charged particles;
suppression of
seems to be larger. Considering the fact that
protons exceeds pions above
observed difference may be
due to the larger contributions of protons, which is considered also
as an evidence of the large gluon density
[I. Vitev, M. Gyulassy, Hep-ph/0108045].
Measurements of proton and kaon at higher pt region
together with existing
would shed light on this effect.
Thus, particle identification of
/K/p at higher
region is
strongly required.